About us
As lawyers with a vast experience in various areas of the business and civil law, we are offering our clients as many quality services as possible. We address mainly to the clients in Constanta, where we locate our business, but also to all Romanian and foreign clients.
We are promoting on the Romanian law business market a new attitude: professionalism, keeping in touch with the latest legal provisions, jurisprudence and doctrine, maximum of time and attention granted to each case, for file preparation but also for Court representation, being there for the client's needs at anytime.
We believe in the advantage of the professionalism and earnestness over the marketing image and we oblige towards every of our clients to treat him as our most important client.
We offer you quality services based on real experience, in the field of business law and civil law, but also litigation with public authorities. Over the years, as a private practice lawyer but also as a partner in the law company DIACONESCU-MOLDOVAN, we have cooperated in these areas with business partners, bigger or smaller (between our main partners, we name FARMEC SA CLUJ -NAPOCA, ASIGURARE-REASIGURARE ASTRA SA, CEZ ROMANIA SA, UTILNAVOREP SA, The Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania - AFEER, IMPACT SA, ASIGURAREA ROMANEASCA - ASIROM VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP SA ) and public authorities (ADMINISTRATIA BAZINALA DE APE DOBROGEA LITORAL), whose problems we have met with creative and efficient solutions.
We wish to prove both to our Romanian clients and our foreign clients and colleagues that business law can be practiced in Romania at a high quality level, so that in a society and a legal system in a permanent change, the services we offer to our clients will always remain professional.

1998 - Law School, Bucharest University, Romania- Licensed in Commercial Law
Until 2004 - Legal Director-Constanta Shipyard commercial and shipping practice, especially in relationship with foreign partners direct cooperation with big law companies in Romania, Greece and U.K coordinating the legal department of a private company with more than 2300 employees
Until 2010 – private practice lawyer- Cabinet de avocat Diaconescu Adela- Constanta Bar various practice, mostly in civil and commercial law clients from Romania and abroad (Spain, France, Belgium, Austria, Greece, Ireland, USA)
Until 2014 - partner in SCPA Diaconescu-Moldovan practice in Constanta, in civil law, business law, administrative law main area of expertise in international maritime law assistance for foreign clients, practice in English and French
Since 2014 - private practice lawyer - Cabinet de avocat Diaconescu Adela - Constanta Bar
“Professional Certificate in Management” - The Open University Business School (OUBS)- Codecs
“English Law for International Lawyers” - London
“Shipping Law Summer School” – London
“Bank and Financial Impacts of Economic Recession in Romania” - published in vol.23/no.3/January - February 2010 of “Journal of Taxation and Regulation of Financial Institutions”, USA
English, French, German
MOLDOVAN DIANA - Partner lawyer
• OPEN UNIVERSITY – Codecs 2006 – Professional Diploma in Management
• OPEN UNIVERSITY - Codecs - 2005 - Professional Certificate in Management
• University of Bucharest – Faculty of Law – Master in Employment and Labour relations – 2002-2004
• University of Bucharest – Faculty of Law – Postgraduate courses in Private Law 2001-2002
• University of Bucharest – Faculty of Law (1994-1998) – Law degree gained in June 1998
• Forestry High School of Gurghiu 1990-1994
• 02.05.2023 - Present - Lawyer
• 01.01.2021-31.01.2023 Business Support Division Manager at Distributie Energie Electrica Romania SA
• 01.04.2019-31.12.2020 Deputy General Manager at Societatea de Distributie Energie Electrica Muntenia Nord SA
• 15.09.2018- 30.03.2019 Member of the Board of Directors of the Servicii Energetice Electricaserv SA subsidiary
• 21.12.2017-30.03.2019 Member of the Board of Directors of Electrica Furnizare SA
• 15 august 2017-31.03.2019 Head of the Legal and Control Division of Societatea Energetica Electrica SA
• 2017.05 - 2017.09 Member of the Board of Directors of the Company for Maintenance Services to the Electricity Transmission Grid “SMART” SA
• 2017.03 - 2017.08 Legal Department Manager of CEZ Romania
• 2016.01 - 2017.02 Director of the State Secretary's Cabinet, Ministry of Energy
• 2016.11 - 2017.02 Member of the Board of Directors of Complexul Energetic Hunedoara
• 2016.02 - 2017.10 Member of the Board of Directors of Electrocentrale Bucuresti
• 2007.11 - 2016.01 Collaboration with the Association of Romanian Electricity Suppliers (AFEER). Within this collaboration with the members of the association we have developed and submitted opinions with respect to the primary and secondary legislation impacting the activities of electricity suppliers. As a representative of AFEER I participated in the debates on the approval of the Insolvency Code in the Legal Committee of the Chamber of Deputies
• 2012.10- 2016.01 Legal Department Manager of CEZ Romania SA (company that has supply, distribution, production and trading of electricity within the group), having the following main duties:
- Coordination and supervision of the activities and staff of the Legal Department
- Providing the necessary legal support to the management and other departments of CEZ Group companies (CEZ Romania, CEZ Vanzare, CEZ Distributie, TMK Hydroenergy, Ovidiu Development, Tomis Team, MW Team Invest and CEZ Trade)
- Participation in the negotiation of Collective Labour Agreements
- Participation in the CEZ Group Integrity Whistleblower Project Implementation
• 2008.02 - Lawyer within the Bucharest Bar - consulting activity in the field of electricity (regulations, energy market, renewable energy), corporate law and labour law, main clients were FARMEC SA, Impact Developer&Contractor SA and AFEER; since 2013 I suspended myself for incompatibility (I signed an employment contract with CEZ)
• 2007.11 - 2008.02 Legal counsel for AFEER
• 2007.05 - 2007.10 Legal Department Manager of E. ON GAZ Romania SA Tg. Mures
• 2007.01 - 2007.05 associate consultant SCA Popivici and Associates
• 2005.10 - 2007.03 Member of the Board of Directors E. ON Moldova SA
• 2005.05 - 2007.01 Head of Legal Department of ELECTRICA SA with the following duties:
- Coordination of legal activities within the Electrica group (the company and its 7 subsidiaries)
- Advising the management of the company;
- Drawing up and checking contracts in compliance with legal provisions;
- Participation in the negotiation of contracts;
- Maintaining liaison with the authorities;
- Monitoring compliance with legal provisions in the conduct of the company's business.
• 2004.08 - 2005.05 Head of Human Resources, Legal Department - Electrica Muntenia Sud SA, during this period I coordinated:
- The legal activity of the subsidiary and its branches
- Human resources activity of the subsidiary and its branches - human resources planning, budgeting for human resources activities, recruitment and selection, orientation, training, Collective Labour Agreement negotiation, labour conflict resolution, labour protection
• 2001.08 - 2004.08 Head of Legal Department of the Electricity Distribution Subsidiary “Electrica Muntenia Sud” SA (with branches in Bucharest, Ilfov and Giurgiu)
• 1999.09 - 2001.08 Head of legal division - ELECTRICA SA - Bucharest Distribution subsidiary
• 1998.11 - 1999.09 - Legal advisor ELECTRICA SA - Bucharest Distribution subsidiary
Abilities to use the computer (Word, Excel)
• Pro-active, team player
• Conscientious, analytical, responsible and organized
• Ability to meet reporting deadlines
• Ability to prioritize
• Ability to work under stress
• Good communication skills